Restoration of The Natural World
Our approach is highly collaborative. We are building a centre of excellence in East Africa, working closely with indigenous peoples and local communities, and building strong and growing collaborations with world-leading academic, corporate, NGO, and government institutions. We are developing solutions with the people and in the places where they will be implemented.
Our headquarters and partnerships in Northern Kenya allow us access to vast and diverse landscapes, enabling us to truly demonstrate our impact monitoring technology and new financial mechanisms.
We have an amazing international team, mainly made up of women and Africans. With our world-leading network of collaborators, we are very close to transforming the funding model for nature restoration and ensuring the capacity to deliver on restoration on a global scale.

Target 1
Technology and systems in place in Africa to rapidly, robustly and cost-effectively measure trends in biodiversity, carbon and benefits to communities.
Target 4
A NATURAL STATE Marine research centre initiated, with the aim of revolutionising impact monitoring in the marine world.
Target 2
Five new financial mechanisms in place: (1) Integrated Carbon and Biodiversity credits, (2) Custodian credits, (3) Rewilding credits, (4) Regenerative Agriculture and Biodiversity credits, (5) Conservation impact grants.
Target 3
The African Centre for Nature Restoration and Resilience and the Indigenous Knowledge Hub for Restoration are fully functional with more than 1000 graduates.
Target 1
Terrestrial and marine impact monitoring systems and technology are available to robustly and cost-effectively measure trends in biodiversity, carbon, and social impact across the tropics and subtropics.
Target 2
At least 10 billion dollars of new funding has been channelled into biodiversity, carbon, and local communities through new financial mechanisms.
Target 3
The African Centre for Nature Restoration and Resilience and the Centre for Local and Indigenous Knowledge has collaborations with learning institutions across the tropics and subtropics and is helping to support more than 20,000 leaders in the sector.

Built the NATURAL STATE Research Centre.
Built the NATURAL STATE Carbon and Biodiversity Lab.
Opened our Nanyuki office.
Built an amazing international team of 50 staff.
Secured land for the African Centre for Nature Restoration and Resilience and the Indigenous and Community Knowledge Restoration and Climate Resilience Centre.
Formed our US based 501c3 and two Kenyan entities.
Developed all our policies and procedures.

Developed the field-to-cloud prototype (KUTUMA).
Developed the impact monitoring platform prototype (uKWELI).
Implemented 90+ Carbon Pool plots.
Implemented 18 Gem plots.
Built AI models for 133 bird calls using acoustic sensors.
Built AI models for 24 vertebrates using camera trap images.
Conducted a 440 Km2 Lidar scan for setting baselines and building carbon models.
Built a predictive above and below-ground carbon model for savannah systems.
Helped raise over 10 million for rangers during the COVID Crisis.
Made it to the finals of the XPRIZE
Built out collaborations with WRTI, Oxford, MIT, Cornell, Perdue, Reading, Illinois Tech, and William and Mary.
Have been recognised as an Oxford Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery Landscape.
Appointed a joint Natural State/Oxford post-doctoral student to help develop thresholds of intactness across biomes.

Pilot of a carbon and biodiversity integrated credit.
Pilot of a rewilding credit.
Pilot of a custodian credit.
Appointed a joint Natural State/Oxford post-doctoral student to help develop financial mechanisms for nature.
Built out implementation collaborations with the LCA, Borona, Lewa, Lolldaiga, ORKCA, WildCRU, Lion Landscapes, and the WildCAT Trust.
Contribute to the Biodiversity Credit Alliance

Developed curriculum for two courses.
Initiated the build of phase one of the Centre.
Built out collaborations with WRTI, ALU, AgWild, University of Oxford and Yale University.
Five of our staff received scholarships for the Yale Tropical Forests Landscapes course.
The UN has declared 2021-2030 the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Governments around the world have committed to protecting 30% of the planet by 2030. Nature-based solutions are now seen as critical to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement, the CBD post-2020 Biodiversity Framework and Sustainable Development Goals. The private sector has already allocated billions of dollars for nature-based solutions. Generation Z cares deeply about a sustainable future. There is still time to restore the natural world.